Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dissecting the MBA way!!

Call it a 4P, 3C (alright, i have learned ABC new way:)). And then its about MR= MC. Interesting is the fact that marketing exploits all the constraints that economics puts in books.
 If economics says that price should be constant if many players stay in market, marketing says that you differentiate and create a new market. 
If economics says that you can at max value your product based on consumer surplus available, marketing says call it value based pricing and forget that there was ever a slanting line which said consumer surplus existed. 
So, i am loving it. The point is, i never believed in constraints. So, i go with marketing. I agree that nature will find its balance and finally economics principles will even out the playing field, only to make a firm move into new market and create a new imbalance. 
After all, business is all about generating values out of gaps, the moment equillibrium is achieved, business stops making sense. Business in every form is dynamic, fast moving, and opportunistic. 
The knowledge of constraints just lets you know, till when can you survive in same game. 
Given globalization and competition, economies achieve equlibrium faster, and hence the survival of business is becoming more and more challenging.

How do You define "EMOTIONS"!!

It was a blank face among all colors.
The face was pretty, mind was innocent, but there were no hopes. 
Life had moved on, but hopes were left behind.

Expectations and hope have been the most painful parts of human life, intangible, yet most damaging.
Still, everyone hopes, till there is last breath left. 
I stand in one corner to see hopes behind faces in all forms and colors, i smile and move on.
I know life plays big games, it sells big dreams, and then mere mortal humans, they feel happy because they feel hope is reality.

One fine day, everything will break away, the colors will fade, all hopes will go, left will be a bundle of painful emotions for something which never existed..