Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Friend In Disguise!!

Life is strange really strange,
It never gives you what you ask for,
Even the surest of thoughts get away and you cant do a thing,
It has its own way.
Life is a game but with rules which are undefined.
They change when you least expected them to.
The friends you trust your life wit h does not turn out to be your friend at all,
The stranger you were not aware off gives you the maximum support you never expected off,
The trust you have, shatters in a moment,
The doubts you had turns out to be your biggest reality.
It surely is strange,
As players are unaware of rules Whereas,
the viewer knows it all....

1 comment:

Surabhi Pratap said...

its really strange but u can always count the number of real friends on the fingers of just one hand! none of us have MANY! we all just have a few !! very few, in fact!